Packages that use OnGenome | |
org.utgenome.format.bed | |
org.utgenome.format.sam | |
org.utgenome.graphics | Graphics drawing classes |
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client | UTGB Browser interface & track implementations. |
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.bio | Biological data objects for Google Web Toolkit RPC (Remote Procedure Call). |
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas | Browser-side graphic drawing libraries using HTML canvas (or VML in IE). |
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track | |
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track.lib | Standard track library for UTGB browser. |
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server | UTGB's server-side libraries for supporting web request handling, managing database connections, initialization of UTGB web applications, etc. |
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server.app | Contains sample codes of web actions. |
org.utgenome.util | |
org.utgenome.util.repeat |
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.format.bed |
Classes in org.utgenome.format.bed that implement OnGenome | |
class |
Representing each gene line of BED format |
Fields in org.utgenome.format.bed with type parameters of type OnGenome | |
List<OnGenome> |
Methods in org.utgenome.format.bed that return types with arguments of type OnGenome | |
static List<OnGenome> |
BEDDatabase.overlapQuery(File bedPath,
ChrLoc location)
Constructor parameters in org.utgenome.format.bed with type arguments of type OnGenome | |
BEDDatabase.BEDRangeQuery(List<OnGenome> geneList,
String coordinate,
int start,
int end)
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.format.sam |
Classes in org.utgenome.format.sam with type parameters of type OnGenome | |
class |
ReadSweeper<T extends OnGenome>
Sweeping SAM reads in their start order |
static interface |
ReadSweeper.ReadSetHandler<T extends OnGenome>
Methods in org.utgenome.format.sam that return OnGenome | |
OnGenome |
Methods in org.utgenome.format.sam that return types with arguments of type OnGenome | |
static List<OnGenome> |
SAMReader.depthCoverage(ChrLoc loc,
int pixelWidth,
List<net.sf.samtools.SAMRecord> loadedReadSet,
net.sf.samtools.util.CloseableIterator<net.sf.samtools.SAMRecord> cursor)
static List<OnGenome> |
SAMReader.depthCoverage(File bamFile,
ChrLoc loc,
int pixelWidth,
ReadQueryConfig config)
static List<OnGenome> |
SAMReader.depthCoverageInWIG(File wigFile,
ChrLoc loc,
int pixelWidth,
ReadQueryConfig config)
static List<OnGenome> |
SAMReader.overlapQuery(File bamFile,
ChrLoc loc,
int pixelWidth,
ReadQueryConfig config)
Retrieved SAMReads (or SAMReadPair) overlapped with the specified interval |
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.graphics |
Methods in org.utgenome.graphics with type parameters of type OnGenome | ||
GeneCanvas.draw(List<E> geneList)
Methods in org.utgenome.graphics that return OnGenome | |
OnGenome |
Methods in org.utgenome.graphics with parameters of type OnGenome | |
void |
GeneCanvas.draw(OnGenome locus,
int yOffset)
void |
ReadCanvas.drawLabel(OnGenome region,
int yOffset)
void |
ReadCanvas.drawRegion(OnGenome region,
int y)
Color |
GeneCanvas.getCDSColor(OnGenome g)
Color |
ReadCanvas.DrawStyle.getClippedReadColor(OnGenome g)
Color |
GeneCanvas.getExonColor(OnGenome g)
String |
GeneCanvas.getExonColorText(OnGenome g)
Color |
GeneCanvas.getGeneColor(OnGenome g)
Color |
GeneCanvas.getGeneColor(OnGenome g,
float offset)
Color |
GeneCanvas.getIntronColor(OnGenome g)
Color |
ReadCanvas.DrawStyle.getReadColor(OnGenome g)
Method parameters in org.utgenome.graphics with type arguments of type OnGenome | |
void |
ReadCanvas.draw(List<OnGenome> dataSet)
Constructors in org.utgenome.graphics with parameters of type OnGenome | |
GeneCanvas.LocusLayout(OnGenome gene,
int yOffset)
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client that return types with arguments of type OnGenome | |
List<OnGenome> |
BrowserService.getOnGenomeData(GenomeDB db,
ChrLoc range,
ReadQueryConfig config)
Get read data from the specified DB and location |
Method parameters in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client with type arguments of type OnGenome | |
void |
BrowserServiceAsync.getOnGenomeData(GenomeDB db,
ChrLoc range,
ReadQueryConfig config,
com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback<List<OnGenome>> callback)
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.bio |
Subinterfaces of OnGenome in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.bio | |
interface |
A common interface for graph data |
Classes in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.bio that implement OnGenome | |
class |
Representing each gene line of BED format |
class |
Read with cigar and sequence information |
class |
BSS read data object |
class |
Coding Sequence (CDS) |
class |
static class |
class |
Exon |
class |
Gap of paired-end, mate-pair reads |
class |
Gene with Exon and CDS regions |
class |
An interval in a genome sequence. |
class |
An interval with starnd information |
class |
Read coverage histogram |
class |
ReadList is a list of read objects, and used to draw a sequence of blocks on genome. |
class |
reference genome sequence to which genome reads are aligned |
class |
Genome Read data |
class |
Light weight SAMRead |
class |
Mate pair (paired end) of SAMReads |
class |
Paired-end reads without the other mate data |
Fields in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.bio with type parameters of type OnGenome | |
List<OnGenome> |
List<OnGenome> |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.bio that return types with arguments of type OnGenome | |
List<OnGenome> |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.bio with parameters of type OnGenome | |
void |
ReadList.addRead(OnGenome read)
void |
OnGenomeDataVisitorBase.visitDefault(OnGenome g)
void |
OnGenomeDataVisitor.visitDefault(OnGenome g)
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas |
Classes in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas with type parameters of type OnGenome | |
class |
IntervalTree<T extends OnGenome>
Interval layout |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas with type parameters of type OnGenome | ||
IntervalLayout.createLocalLayout(int geneHeight)
Creates an X-Y layout of the given intervals, then return the max depth of the intervals |
GWTGenomeCanvas.drawBlock(ReadCoverage block)
IntervalLayout.reset(List<T> intervalList,
int geneHeight)
Creates an X-Y layout of the given intervals |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas that return OnGenome | |
OnGenome |
OnGenome |
IntervalLayout.overlappedInterval(int x,
int y,
int xBorder,
int geneHeight)
compute the overlapped intervals for the mouse over event |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas that return types with arguments of type OnGenome | |
List<OnGenome> |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas with parameters of type OnGenome | |
void |
GWTGenomeCanvas.displayInfo(int clientX,
int clientY,
OnGenome g)
static int |
IntervalLayout.estimiateLabelWidth(OnGenome l,
int geneHeight)
T |
IntervalTree.findOverlap(OnGenome target)
com.google.gwt.widgetideas.graphics.client.Color |
ReadDisplayStyle.getClippedReadColor(OnGenome g)
com.google.gwt.widgetideas.graphics.client.Color |
ReadDisplayStyle.getReadColor(OnGenome g)
com.google.gwt.widgetideas.graphics.client.Color |
ReadDisplayStyle.getReadColor(OnGenome g,
float alpha)
void |
LocusClickHandler.onClick(int clientX,
int clientY,
OnGenome locus)
List<T> |
IntervalTree.overlapQuery(OnGenome target)
void |
IntervalTree.overlapQuery(OnGenome target,
PrioritySearchTree.ResultHandler<T> handler)
Method parameters in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas with type arguments of type OnGenome | |
void |
GWTGenomeCanvas.resetData(List<OnGenome> readSet)
Constructors in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas with parameters of type OnGenome | |
IntervalLayout.LocusLayout(OnGenome locus,
int yOffset)
IntervalLayout.LocusLayout(OnGenome locus,
int yOffset,
int height)
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track with parameters of type OnGenome | |
boolean |
TrackWindow.overlapWith(OnGenome g)
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track.lib |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track.lib with parameters of type OnGenome | |
String |
ReadTrack.resolveURL(String urlTemplate,
OnGenome locus)
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server that return types with arguments of type OnGenome | |
List<OnGenome> |
BrowserServiceImpl.getOnGenomeData(GenomeDB db,
ChrLoc range,
ReadQueryConfig config)
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server.app |
Classes in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server.app that implement OnGenome | |
static class |
static class |
static class |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server.app that return types with arguments of type OnGenome | |
static List<OnGenome> |
ReadView.overlapQuery(File baseDir,
GenomeDB db,
ChrLoc loc,
ReadQueryConfig config)
static List<OnGenome> |
ReadView.overlapQuery(GenomeDB db,
ChrLoc loc,
ReadQueryConfig config)
Method parameters in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server.app with type arguments of type OnGenome | |
static ReadCoverage |
ReadView.computeCoverage(List<OnGenome> readList,
int start,
int end,
int pixelWidth)
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.util |
Method parameters in org.utgenome.util with type arguments of type OnGenome | |
static void |
ReadDepth.compute(String chr,
Iterator<OnGenome> cursor,
ReadDepth.DepthOutput out)
Compute the read depth of the input read set. |
protected void |
ReadDepth.computeDepth(String chr,
Iterator<OnGenome> cursor)
Uses of OnGenome in org.utgenome.util.repeat |
Classes in org.utgenome.util.repeat that implement OnGenome | |
static class |
static class |
2D interval |