Packages that use UTGBException | |
org.utgenome | |
org.utgenome.format.axt | |
org.utgenome.format.bed | |
org.utgenome.format.egt | |
org.utgenome.format.fasta | FASTA utilities |
org.utgenome.format.fastq | |
org.utgenome.format.illumina | |
org.utgenome.format.keyword | |
org.utgenome.format.sam | |
org.utgenome.format.wig | |
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server | UTGB's server-side libraries for supporting web request handling, managing database connections, initialization of UTGB web applications, etc. |
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server.app | Contains sample codes of web actions. |
org.utgenome.util.kmer | |
org.utgenome.util.repeat |
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome |
Methods in org.utgenome that return UTGBException | |
static UTGBException |
UTGBException.convert(Exception e)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.format.axt |
Methods in org.utgenome.format.axt that throw UTGBException | |
static Iterable<AXTAlignment> |
AXTLens.lens(BufferedReader in)
static void |
AXTLens.lens(BufferedReader in,
org.xerial.util.ObjectHandler<AXTAlignment> handler)
static void |
AXTLens.lens(File axtFile,
org.xerial.util.ObjectHandler<AXTAlignment> handler)
static AXTAlignment |
AXTLens.lens(List<String> axtBlock)
static void |
AXTLens.parseSummaryLine(AXTAlignment obj,
String summaryLine)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.format.bed |
Methods in org.utgenome.format.bed that throw UTGBException | |
static List<GenomeRange> |
BEDDatabase.overlapQuery(File bedPath,
ChrLoc location)
static BEDQuery |
BED2SilkReader.scan(Reader input,
BEDQuery query)
Read an input BED data, and retrieves BEDTrack and BEDEntry information through the
BEDQuery interface. |
String |
void |
BED2Silk.toSilk(PrintWriter pout)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.format.egt |
Methods in org.utgenome.format.egt that throw UTGBException | |
void |
EGTXMLReader.load(Reader xmlReader)
static org.xerial.util.Pair<String,String> |
EagyGeneLine.parse(String parameter)
static ParameterMap |
EagyGeneLine.parseLine(String line)
parsing each line then convert its contents into a ParameterMap |
static void |
EagyGeneLine.setRange(String value,
ParameterMap map)
Constructors in org.utgenome.format.egt that throw UTGBException | |
EagyGeneLine(String line)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.format.fasta |
Methods in org.utgenome.format.fasta that throw UTGBException | |
static CompactACGT |
CompactACGT.createFromString(String seq)
GenomeSequence |
CompactFASTA.getSequence(String chr)
GenomeSequence |
CompactFASTA.getSequence(String chr,
int start)
CompactACGT |
CompactFASTA.getSequence(String chr,
int start,
int end)
Retrieves a genome sequence of the specified range [start, end) |
CompactACGT |
CompactFASTA.getSequence(String chr,
int start,
int end,
boolean isReverse)
FASTASequence |
read the next fasta sequence; |
static ReferenceSequence |
FASTADatabase.querySequence(File fastaFile,
ChrLoc location)
static void |
FASTADatabase.querySequence(File dbFile,
ChrLoc location,
org.xerial.db.sql.BeanResultHandler<FASTADatabase.NSeq> handler)
static void |
FASTADatabase.querySequence(org.xerial.db.sql.sqlite.SQLiteAccess db,
ChrLoc location,
org.xerial.db.sql.BeanResultHandler<FASTADatabase.NSeq> handler)
CompactACGT |
CompactACGT |
CompactACGT.subSequence(int start,
int length)
return a subsequence of this ACGT string. |
Constructors in org.utgenome.format.fasta that throw UTGBException | |
FASTA(File fastaFile)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.format.fastq |
Methods in org.utgenome.format.fastq that throw UTGBException | |
int |
int |
FastqToBAM.convert(Reader input1,
Reader input2)
FastqRead |
Read the next FASTQ read entry. |
static FastqRead |
FastqRead.parse(BufferedReader reader)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.format.illumina |
Methods in org.utgenome.format.illumina that throw UTGBException | |
FastqRead |
QSeqToFASTQ.convertToFastq(String line)
static FastqRead |
Seq2Fastq.convertToFastq(String line)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.format.keyword |
Methods in org.utgenome.format.keyword that throw UTGBException | |
void |
KeywordDB.importFromBAM(String ref,
InputStream samOrBamInput)
void |
KeywordDB.importFromBED(String ref,
Reader bed)
void |
KeywordDB.importFromFASTAIndex(String ref,
Reader fastaIndexFile)
void |
KeywordDB.importFromTAB(String ref,
Reader tabFileReader)
void |
KeywordDB.importKeywordAliasFile(Reader keywordAliasFile)
Constructors in org.utgenome.format.keyword that throw UTGBException | |
KeywordDB(String dbPath)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.format.sam |
Methods in org.utgenome.format.sam that throw UTGBException | |
void |
Sam2WigConverter.convert(File samOrBam,
String chr,
int start,
int end)
void |
Sam2WigConverter.convert(File samOrBam,
Writer out)
Convert the input SAM file records into WIG format of read depth |
static List<GenomeRange> |
SAMReader.depthCoverage(File bamFile,
ChrLoc loc,
int pixelWidth,
ReadQueryConfig config)
static List<GenomeRange> |
SAMReader.depthCoverageInWIG(File wigFile,
ChrLoc loc,
int pixelWidth,
ReadQueryConfig config)
static List<GenomeRange> |
SAMReader.overlapQuery(File bamFile,
ChrLoc loc,
int pixelWidth,
ReadQueryConfig config)
Retrieved SAMReads (or SAMReadPair) overlapped with the specified interval |
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.format.wig |
Methods in org.utgenome.format.wig that throw UTGBException | |
CompactWIGData |
WIGDatabaseReader.fillPixelsWithMedian(CompactWIGData cwig,
int pixelWidth,
int trackId,
int start,
int end)
CompactWIGData |
WIGDatabaseReader.getCompactWigData(int trackId,
int start,
int end,
int pixelWidth)
static List<CompactWIGData> |
WIGDatabaseReader.getCompactWigDataList(File path,
int pixelWidth,
ChrLoc location,
GraphWindow windowFunc)
HashMap<Integer,Float> |
WIGDatabaseReader.getData(int trackId)
HashMap<Integer,Float> |
WIGDatabaseReader.getData(int trackId,
int start,
int end)
HashMap<Integer,Float> |
WIGDatabaseReader.getData(int windowWidth,
int trackId,
int start,
int end)
static List<CompactWIGData> |
WIGDatabaseReader.getRoughCompactWigDataList(File path,
int pixelWidth,
ChrLoc location,
GraphWindow windowFunc)
WigGraphData |
WIGDatabaseReader.getWigData(int trackId)
WigGraphData |
WIGDatabaseReader.getWigData(int trackId,
int start,
int end)
WigGraphData |
WIGDatabaseReader.getWigData(int windowWidth,
int trackId,
int start,
int end)
static List<WigGraphData> |
WIGDatabaseReader.getWigDataList(File fileName,
int windowWidth,
ChrLoc location,
GraphWindow windowFunc)
ArrayList<WigGraphData> |
WIGDatabaseReader.getWigDataList(int windowWidth,
String chrom,
int start,
int end)
ArrayList<WigGraphData> |
WIGDatabaseReader.getWigDataList(String chrom,
int start,
int end)
String |
void |
WIG2Silk.toSilk(PrintWriter out)
Constructors in org.utgenome.format.wig that throw UTGBException | |
WIGDatabaseReader(File file,
GraphWindow windowFunc)
WIGDatabaseReader(String inputFileURL,
GraphWindow windowFunc)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server that throw UTGBException | ||
String |
WebTrackBase.createSQL(String sqlTemplate,
Object... args)
Create an SQL from a given template and variable assignments. |
String |
WebTrackBase.createSQLFromFile(String sqlFileName,
Object... args)
Create an SQL from a given file (relative to the caller class) and variable assignments. |
static String |
WebTrackBase.createSQLStatement(String sqlTemplate,
Object... args)
org.xerial.db.sql.DatabaseAccess |
WebTrackBase.getDatabaseAccess(String databaseID)
Retrieves the database access |
static org.xerial.db.sql.DatabaseAccess |
UTGBMaster.getDatabaseAccess(String databaseID)
static org.xerial.db.sql.DatabaseAccess |
JDBCService.getDatabaseAccess(String projectRootFolder,
UTGBConfig.Database db)
static org.xerial.db.sql.DatabaseAccess |
JDBCService.getDatabaseAccess(UTGBConfig.Database db)
protected org.xerial.db.sql.DatabaseAccess |
UTGBMaster.getDatabaseAccessInternal(String databaseID)
static String |
WebTrackBase.loadJSON(Reader jsonStream,
Class<T> resultClass)
load the json data, and converts them into a list of result class instances |
WebTrackBase.loadJSON(Reader jsonStream,
Class<T> resultClass,
org.xerial.util.ObjectHandler<T> resultHandler)
Load JSON data from the stream and convert the JSON data into Object of the given resultClass. |
protected static UTGBConfig |
WebTrackBase.toJSON(String databaseID,
String sql,
Class<T> resultClass,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
void |
RequestHandler.validate(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
Validate request parameters |
void |
RequestHandlerBase.validate(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server.app |
Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server.app that throw UTGBException | |
static DASResult |
DASViewer.queryDAS(String baseURL,
String dasType,
ChrLoc chrLoc)
void |
Sequence.validate(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.util.kmer |
Methods in org.utgenome.util.kmer that throw UTGBException | |
int |
KmerIntegerFactory.parseString(String acgt)
Uses of UTGBException in org.utgenome.util.repeat |
Methods in org.utgenome.util.repeat that throw UTGBException | |
void |