Uses of Interface

Packages that use GenomeRange
org.utgenome.format.sam Graphics drawing classes 
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client UTGB Browser interface & track implementations. Biological data objects for Google Web Toolkit RPC (Remote Procedure Call). 
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas Browser-side graphic drawing libraries using HTML canvas (or VML in IE). 
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track.lib Standard track library for UTGB browser. 
org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server UTGB's server-side libraries for supporting web request handling, managing database connections, initialization of UTGB web applications, etc. Contains sample codes of web actions. 

Uses of GenomeRange in org.utgenome.format.bed

Classes in org.utgenome.format.bed that implement GenomeRange
 class BEDEntry
          Representing each gene line of BED format

Fields in org.utgenome.format.bed with type parameters of type GenomeRange
 List<GenomeRange> BEDDatabase.BEDRangeQuery.geneList

Methods in org.utgenome.format.bed that return types with arguments of type GenomeRange
static List<GenomeRange> BEDDatabase.overlapQuery(File bedPath, ChrLoc location)

Constructor parameters in org.utgenome.format.bed with type arguments of type GenomeRange
BEDDatabase.BEDRangeQuery(List<GenomeRange> geneList, String coordinate, int start, int end)

Uses of GenomeRange in org.utgenome.format.sam

Classes in org.utgenome.format.sam with type parameters of type GenomeRange
 class ReadSweeper<T extends GenomeRange>
          Sweeping SAM reads in their start order
static interface ReadSweeper.ReadSetHandler<T extends GenomeRange>

Methods in org.utgenome.format.sam that return GenomeRange

Methods in org.utgenome.format.sam that return types with arguments of type GenomeRange
static List<GenomeRange> SAMReader.depthCoverage(ChrLoc loc, int pixelWidth, List<net.sf.samtools.SAMRecord> loadedReadSet, net.sf.samtools.util.CloseableIterator<net.sf.samtools.SAMRecord> cursor)
static List<GenomeRange> SAMReader.depthCoverage(File bamFile, ChrLoc loc, int pixelWidth, ReadQueryConfig config)
static List<GenomeRange> SAMReader.depthCoverageInWIG(File wigFile, ChrLoc loc, int pixelWidth, ReadQueryConfig config)
static List<GenomeRange> SAMReader.overlapQuery(File bamFile, ChrLoc loc, int pixelWidth, ReadQueryConfig config)
          Retrieved SAMReads (or SAMReadPair) overlapped with the specified interval

Uses of GenomeRange in

Methods in with type parameters of type GenomeRange
<E extends GenomeRange>
GeneCanvas.draw(List<E> geneList)

Methods in that return GenomeRange
 GenomeRange GeneCanvas.LocusLayout.getLocus()

Methods in with parameters of type GenomeRange
 void GeneCanvas.draw(GenomeRange locus, int yOffset)
 void ReadCanvas.drawLabel(GenomeRange region, int yOffset)
 void ReadCanvas.drawRegion(GenomeRange region, int y)
 Color GeneCanvas.getCDSColor(GenomeRange g)
 Color ReadCanvas.DrawStyle.getClippedReadColor(GenomeRange g)
 Color GeneCanvas.getExonColor(GenomeRange g)
 String GeneCanvas.getExonColorText(GenomeRange g)
 Color GeneCanvas.getGeneColor(GenomeRange g)
 Color GeneCanvas.getGeneColor(GenomeRange g, float offset)
 Color GeneCanvas.getIntronColor(GenomeRange g)
 Color ReadCanvas.DrawStyle.getReadColor(GenomeRange g)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type GenomeRange
 void ReadCanvas.draw(List<GenomeRange> dataSet)

Constructors in with parameters of type GenomeRange
GeneCanvas.LocusLayout(GenomeRange gene, int yOffset)

Uses of GenomeRange in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client

Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client that return types with arguments of type GenomeRange
 List<GenomeRange> BrowserService.getOnGenomeData(GenomeDB db, ChrLoc range, ReadQueryConfig config)
          Get read data from the specified DB and location

Method parameters in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client with type arguments of type GenomeRange
 void BrowserServiceAsync.getOnGenomeData(GenomeDB db, ChrLoc range, ReadQueryConfig config,<List<GenomeRange>> callback)

Uses of GenomeRange in

Subinterfaces of GenomeRange in
 interface GraphData
          A common interface for graph data

Classes in that implement GenomeRange
 class BEDGene
          Representing each gene line of BED format
 class BlastResult
          Read with cigar and sequence information
 class BSSRead
          BSS read data object
 class CDS
          Coding Sequence (CDS)
 class ChrInterval
          Interval in a chromosome
 class CompactWIGData
static class DASResult.DASFeature
 class Exon
 class Gap
          Gap of paired-end, mate-pair reads
 class Gene
          Gene with Exon and CDS regions
 class Interval
          An interval in a genome sequence.
 class Read
          An interval with starnd information
 class ReadCoverage
          Read coverage histogram
 class ReadList
          ReadList is a list of read objects, and used to draw a sequence of blocks on genome.
 class ReferenceSequence
          reference genome sequence to which genome reads are aligned
 class SAMRead
          Genome Read data
 class SAMReadLight
          Light weight SAMRead
 class SAMReadPair
          Mate pair (paired end) of SAMReads
 class SAMReadPairFragment
          Paired-end reads without the other mate data

Fields in with type parameters of type GenomeRange
 List<GenomeRange> GenomeRangeDataSet.block

Methods in that return types with arguments of type GenomeRange
 List<GenomeRange> ReadList.getRead()

Methods in with parameters of type GenomeRange
 void ReadList.addRead(GenomeRange read)
 boolean Interval.hasOverlap(GenomeRange other)
 void GenomeRangeVisitorBase.visitDefault(GenomeRange g)
 void GenomeRangeVisitor.visitDefault(GenomeRange g)

Uses of GenomeRange in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas

Classes in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas with type parameters of type GenomeRange
 class IntervalTree<T extends GenomeRange>
          Interval layout

Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas with type parameters of type GenomeRange
<T extends GenomeRange>
IntervalLayout.createLocalLayout(int geneHeight)
          Creates an X-Y layout of the given intervals, then return the max depth of the intervals
<T extends GenomeRange>
GWTGenomeCanvas.drawBlock(ReadCoverage block)
<T extends GenomeRange>
IntervalLayout.reset(List<T> intervalList, int geneHeight)
          Creates an X-Y layout of the given intervals

Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas that return GenomeRange
 GenomeRange IntervalLayout.LocusLayout.getLocus()
 GenomeRange IntervalLayout.overlappedInterval(int x, int y, int xBorder, int geneHeight)
          compute the overlapped intervals for the mouse over event

Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas that return types with arguments of type GenomeRange
 List<GenomeRange> IntervalLayout.activeReads()

Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas with parameters of type GenomeRange
 void GWTGenomeCanvas.displayInfo(int clientX, int clientY, GenomeRange g)
static int IntervalLayout.estimiateLabelWidth(GenomeRange l, int geneHeight)
 T IntervalTree.findOverlap(GenomeRange target)
    ReadDisplayStyle.getClippedReadColor(GenomeRange g)
    ReadDisplayStyle.getReadColor(GenomeRange g)
    ReadDisplayStyle.getReadColor(GenomeRange g, float alpha)
 void LocusClickHandler.onClick(int clientX, int clientY, GenomeRange locus)
 List<T> IntervalTree.overlapQuery(GenomeRange target)
 void IntervalTree.overlapQuery(GenomeRange target, PrioritySearchTree.ResultHandler<T> handler)

Method parameters in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas with type arguments of type GenomeRange
 void GWTGenomeCanvas.resetData(List<GenomeRange> readSet)

Constructors in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.canvas with parameters of type GenomeRange
IntervalLayout.LocusLayout(GenomeRange locus, int yOffset)
IntervalLayout.LocusLayout(GenomeRange locus, int yOffset, int height)

Uses of GenomeRange in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track

Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track with parameters of type GenomeRange
 boolean TrackWindow.overlapWith(GenomeRange g)

Uses of GenomeRange in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track.lib

Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track.lib with parameters of type GenomeRange
 String ReadTrack.resolveURL(String urlTemplate, GenomeRange locus)

Uses of GenomeRange in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server

Methods in org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.server that return types with arguments of type GenomeRange
 List<GenomeRange> BrowserServiceImpl.getOnGenomeData(GenomeDB db, ChrLoc range, ReadQueryConfig config)

Uses of GenomeRange in

Classes in that implement GenomeRange
static class BSSReadView.BSSAlignment
static class ChromosomeMap.ReadLocus
static class MethylViewer.MethlEntry

Methods in that return types with arguments of type GenomeRange
static List<GenomeRange> ReadView.overlapQuery(File baseDir, GenomeDB db, ChrLoc loc, ReadQueryConfig config)
static List<GenomeRange> ReadView.overlapQuery(GenomeDB db, ChrLoc loc, ReadQueryConfig config)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type GenomeRange
static ReadCoverage ReadView.computeCoverage(List<GenomeRange> readList, int start, int end, int pixelWidth)

Uses of GenomeRange in org.utgenome.util

Method parameters in org.utgenome.util with type arguments of type GenomeRange
static void ReadDepth.compute(String chr, Iterator<GenomeRange> cursor, ReadDepth.DepthOutput out)
          Compute the read depth of the input read set.
protected  void ReadDepth.computeDepth(String chr, Iterator<GenomeRange> cursor)

Uses of GenomeRange in org.utgenome.util.repeat

Classes in org.utgenome.util.repeat that implement GenomeRange
static class RepeatChainFinder.FlippedInterval2D
static class RepeatChainFinder.Interval2D
          2D interval

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