UTGB Toolkit - BED Track

BED Track

BED track is for displaying UCSC's BED format data. To create a BED track, add the following XML fragment to your (project folder)/src/main/webapp/view/default-view.xml file (see also How to customize browser contents). Do not foget to set your BED file path to the fileName property:

<track className="org.utgenome.gwt.utgb.client.track.lib.BEDTrack" name="BED Track" pack="true">
  <property key="type">image</property>
  <property key="leftMargin">100</property>
  <property key="trackBaseURL">utgb-core/BEDViewer</property>
  <!-- this track reads BED data from db/sample.bed -->
  <property key="fileName">db/sample.bed</property>

Create Indexes for Faster Data Browsing

Since utgb-shell-1.2.4, utgb import commands is available for creating database indexes (SQLite DB) of BED data. To create an SQLite index of your BED data, say db/reads.bed, type the following commands:

> utgb import -t bed db/reads.bed

The SQLite index will be generated as db/reads.bed.sqlite file. When some SQLite DB file (suffixed with .sqlite) is found for the BED data, BEDTrack issues database queries to reads.bed.sqlite file, instead of reading reads.bed file.





browser position chr1:1-100000
browser hide all
track name="Item,RGB,Demo2" description="Item RGB demonstration2" visibility=2 itemRgb="On" useScore=1	color=0,128,0 url="http://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/help/clones.html#$$"
chr1 20000 70000 itemB 200 - 22000 69500 0 4 4330,1000,5500,15000 0,5000,20000,35000
chr1 20000 60000 cloneB 900 - 20000 60000 0 2 4330,3990, 0,36010
chr1 10000 50000 itemA 960 + 11000 47000 0,255,255 2 15670,14880, 0,25120
chr1 10000 50000 itemA 960 + 11000 47000 0 2 15670,14880, 0,25120
chr1 10000 50000 itemC 960 + 11000 47000 0
chr1 10000 50000 itemD 960 + 11000 47000 0,255,0

chr22   20100000 20100100	first
chr22   20100200 20100300	second
chr22   20100400 20100500	thirds
chr7	127472363	127473530	Pos2	200
chr7	127472363	127473530	Pos2	200	+
chr7	127472363	127473530	Pos2	200	+	127472363	127473530	
chr7	127472363	127473530	Pos2	200	+	127472363	127473530	255,0,0