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In ordre to build the UTGB shell from the source codes, you need the following tools:

  • Java SDK (1.5 or higher)
  • Subversion
  • Maven (version 2.0.7 or higher)
  • GNU Make


  • JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables must be set as described in here. If you are an Windows user, you have to use cygwin (an UNIX emulator) to build UTGB shell.


First, obtain the entire source code from our Subversion repository:

> svn checkout utgb-shell

Then, do make:

> cd utgb-shell
> make

To install the UTGB shell, you must be a super user, then make install.

utgb-shell# make install

Installation to another folder

To alter the installation folder, edit the INSTALL_DIR variable in the Makefile:

INSTALL_DIR = /usr/local

For example, with the following setting, the UTGB shell is installed as /home/leo/local/bin/utgb

INSTALL_DIR = /home/leo/local

Confirm the UTGB shell installation

Set up the PATH variable (see also this document) so that the installed utgb command can be found from the command line:

export PATH=/home/leo/local/bin:$PATH

Then, type utgb:

> utgb
UTGB Shell: version 1.1.3-SNAPSHOT (Revision: 1776)
type --help for a list of the available sub commands.

Upgrade UTGB Shell

To install the latest version of the UTGB shell, use svn update:

> svn update

Then, make clean, make, make install.

What's Next?

Enjoy track development with UTGB! Quick Start Guide